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Version: ver. 1.4.1

Tutorial 1 - Trying out an example

You can learn the first steps with this tutorial. You can learn how to load and how to play a project.

Getting Started​

You have nothing else to do but to download and install SquareLine Studio. You don't need to buy the licence at start because there is a 30-day trial version to use. If you have already bought a licence, please, read Licence Manager section for further information about activating your licence.

Create an example in SquareLine Studio

Starting the software, a Launcher window will pop up. Please, choose Example menu for an example. You can add project information on the side panel, including the name and the path of the project where it will be saved. You can create an example with the CREATE SELECTED EXAMPLE button.

Trying your project in viewport or simulator

If you would like to try your project, you have nothing to do but to click on the PLAY button in EDIT HEADER section. Having done this, the screen will change into play mode so that you can try your project directly in the edit window.

Build and try your project in PC simulator

You should click the BUILD AND RUN button in EDIT HEADER section next to the PLAY button. By doing this, the project is automatically exported in the code format for C and launched in a new simulator window.

Export C and Python code

You can find Export to C and Export to Pyton options in the Export menu. Clicking on them, the program will export the source code of the project to the place you defined.