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Version: ver. 1.5.0

Managing Assets on External Drive

Assets from drives/partitions

Until now the images were converted to C arrays that were compiled/hardwired into the executable code. Sometimes it's easier on ROM resources and more flexible to load images from files at runtime, making the smaller programcode uploads faster. This is possible now because LVGL function lv_img_set_src can set an array in RAM too that was loaded from a file, or it can even receive a filename of an image/picture-file as a parameter.

Exportable formats

Now these image-formats can be exported from SquareLine Studio (selectable in Project Settings):

  • Source-code: exporting the images in C array and compiling them directly into the executable file (the way it was done until now)
  • Binary raw: exporting the images in the binary pre-compiled version, that would otherwise be compiled from the source-code version.
  • Binary compressed: Using a fast LZ compression algorithm it reduces the image sizes on the disk/partition significantly.
  • Binary LVGL: exporting the pictures in PNG picture format that LVGL can handle (and manage/cache in the memory automatically).

Usage of exported assets

The image/picture-file to load can reside at different places depending on the selected LVGL fsdrv drive-type:

  • For STDIO, POSIX, WIN32 simulated drives/partitions a drive folder is created in the exported code, its subfolder called assets contains the images
  • For FATFS (and LittleFS supported by LVGL-8.3.11) real drives the dedicated flash-partition or an external SD-card/etc can hold the images. You need to copy assets folder from drive folder into the real partition.

(You can give a different root folder in Project Settings to register a folder other than drive for your STDIO/POSIX/WIN32 filesystem-driver, and that is set in lv_conf.h.)

Loading the images as Binary LVGL is simply done by the above mentioned lv_img_set_src, but not adding a pointer of an lv_img_dsc_t structure as an argument, but a path+filename. (LVGL knows that it's a path because its first byte is an ASCII character in the range of 0x20..0x7F)

Loading the image data into RAM for Binary raw and Binary compressed formats are done by UI_LOAD_IMAGE function of ui_img_manager.h (only created for binary image formats). (The raw format uses _ui_load_binary function that needs 2 arguments: filename, size. The compressed format is extracted to RAM and occupies the same amount of memory (after being uncompressed) as the raw format. It uses _ui_load_compressed_binary function in the background that takes 3 arguments: filename, compressed size and normal size. ) Loading the image data is only the first part of the operation, you need to create an lv_img_dsc_t structure and set its data member to tho pointer to the loaded data, and fill the other parts of the struct with sensible values. When the lv_img_dsc_t struct is complete, only then you can register it to the image widget by lv_img_set_src function. If all went well, the image will be displayed.

(Note: The filenames should contain the assets folder in the path, the root path in lv_conf.h should contain the drive/ folder in a default setup to work.)


If you imported a 128x128-pixel 65536byte RGB image called picture.png (format of SquareLine Studio icon) into SquareLine Studio assets, added it into the screen Screen1, and set the image-export format as Binary raw, selected C: letter for STDIO drive, your export will create:

  • a drive folder beside ui folder with the assets subfolder and in it the exported image-pixeldata ui_img_picture_png.bin
  • lv_conf.h has LV_USE_FS_STDIO set to 1, LV_FS_STDIO_LETTER to 'C', LV_FS_STDIO_PATH to "drive/"
  • in ui folder the images subfolder has ui_img_picture_png.c with the content:
    • the struct for the image: lv_img_dsc_t ui_img_picture_png = { .header.always_zero = 0, .header.w = 128, .header.h = 128, = LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR };
    • loading the data to struct with: = UI_LOAD_IMAGE( "C:assets/ui_img_picture_png.bin", 65536 ); and ui_img_picture_png.data_size = 65536;
  • in ui folder the screens subfolder has ui_Screen1 with the init function void ui_Screen1_screen_init () (called by ui_init function in ui.c):
    • creating the screen: ui_Screen1 = lv_obj_create(NULL);
    • creating the image on it: ui_Image1 = lv_img_create(ui_Screen1);
    • selecting the source of the image: lv_img_set_src(ui_Image1, &ui_img_picture_png);

These were the steps to load and display an image from a file asset.

There are three main parts of the program: Header Menu, Panel windows and Editable View. In editor mode, panels can be positioned and measured freely to create a work space of your choice.