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Version: ver. 1.4.1


Version 1.4.1

Release date: 28 May 2024

New features

  • Support for LVGL 9.1
  • New stable undo engine
  • An indicator on the hierarchy panel shows when an event is added
  • Error handling tab panel displaying items without selected targets
  • Image inner align in LVGL 9.1
  • Image stretch function
  • Maximum project resolution increased to 4096
  • Toast message for creating and modifying scalar fonts
  • Ability to specify if a board is rectangular or circular in the Open Board Platform (.slb) file
  • New state: Edited state
  • Text in the console panel can be selected and copied
  • Tab panel height can be resized smaller
  • New board files and fixes


  • Board loading problems on the launcher screen
  • Fixed dropdown widget border style issue
  • Fixed TextArea alignment issue
  • Improved speed of the EV charger demo
  • Fixed options checkbox in roller components changing enters to '\n' when toggled
  • Corrected screen positioning when switching resolutions
  • Fixed animation naming issue
  • Increased editable screens speed on MacOS with LVGL 8.3.11
  • Fixed lack of notification for unsaved changes when exiting with undo history OFF
  • Fixed screen positioning not updating after changing resolution in project settings

BSP Boards Changes

New Boards

  • CMake (includes VScode and Eclipse project settings for debugging and scripting)
  • Visual Studio 2022


  • VScode (better config, added lv_drivers, new LVGL9 version)
  • Eclipse (better build configs, LVGL9 version)
  • Visual Studio (minor corrections, better alpha=0 image refreshing, resizability with LVGL9)
  • MicroPython (pre-built executables, build scripts/source code fixes, LVGL9 version)
  • Arduino-TFT_eSPI (updated TFT_eSPI driver, added driver comparison tables for Pico in README)
  • Raspberry Pi (max resolution 4096, configs, LVGL9 version)
  • evkmimxrt595 (circle default in .slb file)

Version 1.4.0

Release date: 01 Marc 2024

New features

  • Screens are freely movable on the editor's editable view
  • Management of global colors and themes
  • Theme switch action
  • Support of LVGL 8.3.11
  • Handling assets on external drives
  • Exporting assets in compressed format
  • Option for prefix widget names
  • Clickable flag is disabled by default in container widgets
  • Components cannot be deleted while they are in the project
  • Command-line export without launching SquareLine Studio
  • New example projects in multiple resolutions: EV charger, E-bike
  • Widgets can also be inserted into empty screens from the clipboard


  • If I delete a component from the project, it also removes it from the previously exported code.
  • Fixed of compile error, in case of a custom font, if a component is is not in use in the screen.
  • Fixed the Textarea component keyboard switch error.
  • Ability to drag widgets from the widget panel into the hierarchy.
  • Accelerated saving and loading.
  • Compile error on macOS: "The name 'format_options' does not exist in the current context."
  • Fontconverter works on ARM Mac systems without Rosetta.
  • If formatting SPJ is enabled in preferences, it also formats the SLL file.
  • Fixed 'math.h missing' error caused by Spinbox.
  • Fixed the chart widget freezing when no value is specified in the data section.
  • Fixed wrong default value for the Arc widget.
  • Fixed the program freezing when the textarea widget is edited within a component.

Version 1.3.4

Release date: 11 December 2023

New features

  • Pan around the screen by moving the area around the screens.
  • Select the default element to be displayed in the Roller widget.
  • Delete assets from the assets panel.
  • UI reset function in the 'Preferences' menu.
  • Padding style added to Checkbox bullet style.
  • Text style added to the main part of the Spinbox widget.
  • Copy-Paste functionality in the hierarchy panel.
  • Examples support multiple resolutions.
  • Icons of dragged widgets from the widget panel are visible under the mouse cursor.
  • Special characters in the project name are changed to '_' in the exported code.
  • You cannot delete a component if it has been created in the project


  • Fix for incorrect export in the case of palettized PNG.
  • Formatting fix for exported code.
  • Fix for screen jump when moving a widget on the hierarchy panel.
  • Fix for the unlock function in the hierarchy panel.
  • Dropdown widget export fix for the 'list align left' option.
  • Overflow of uievent.c from CMakeLists.txt in UI export.
  • Bar widget range and symmetrical settings not exported.
  • Play mode stops when opening the launcher.
  • 'Label property' action in events exported as 'to be translated'.
  • Fix for the generation of unused variables.
  • Ability to set a relative path for export paths in project settings.
  • Renamed screens are now deleted during export.
  • Fix for license check error messages.
  • Editing duplicate components with the same name as the original component is now possible.
  • Manufacturer list breaks into multiple rows in the launcher create menu.
  • Override of ui_comp_hook.c in every export fixed.
  • Flax layout export fixed for component modifications.
  • Call function action not generated for certain components, now fixed.
  • Fix for when saving a component, the images in the component change to the default image.
  • Fix for call function action not being exported from certain components.

Version 1.3.3

Release date: 6 November 2023

New features

  • Increase in the Personal License limitation: Now allows a maximum of 10 screens (previously 5) and a maximum of 150 widgets (previously 50)
  • Improved performance during widget creation, selection, hierarchy rearrangement, and inspector property modifications
  • Floating license support
  • Optimization of SPJ file
  • Optimization of component files (To optimize your existing components, press the "Edit Component" and then "Save Component" buttons in the inspector panel)
  • Introduction of a new Screen panel (Screens and hierarchy elements are now in separate panels)


  • Added support for M1/M2 MacOS ARM CPUs
  • Fixed a Spinbox export issue related to the main style
  • Dropdown widget focused state fixed
  • Improved code formatting
  • Fixed an issue with "Don't export screen."
  • Fixed a flex export issue
  • Corrected the missing prefix in the Screen .c file

Version 1.3.2

Release date: 30 August 2023

New features

  • General speed up
  • Add a "Don't export screen" proty to screens
  • Flat export (for better Arduino compatibility)
  • Allow 128 character long widget names
  • Add NXP and ST boards


  • Make components events run
  • Fix any issue when overwriting styles properties in components
  • Fix Background style usage of Spinbox
  • Fix the history panel
  • Fix the Object naming option in Project preferences
  • Fix incorrectly setting the default font lv_conf.h
  • Fix ui_Screen is not defined (Python link error)

Version 1.3.1

Release date: 13 July 2023

New features

  • Faster project load and save
  • Faster component creation and modification
  • Speed up SLS in general
  • Enable Auto save by default
  • Add Tabview widget
  • Add Spinbox widget
  • Set UI scale to 150% by default on high DPI monitors
  • Add new states for styles:  FOCUS_KEY, CHECKED | FOCUSED, CHECKED | FOCUS_KEY
  • New event triggers: KEY,  LV_EVENT_SHORT_CLICKED
  • New event actions: delete screen, step spinbox
  • Improve Undo
  • Add Temporary screen options (If enabled on a screen, that screen will automatically created on when loaded, and deleted when unloaded)
  • Add new Nuvoton board
  • Add "Fit to screen" icon to the header


  • Do not overwrite ui_comp_hook.c on export
  • Fix calendar export issue
  • Save Flex layout paddings
  • Add function in ui_events.h only once

Version 1.3.0

Release date: 3 May 2023

New features

  • Option to set the default ALIGN in Project preferences- Organize the exported code into folders
  • Show the current cursor position on the header
  • Export CMakeFile.txt, mk and a general filelist for easier integration
  • Option to send crash logs
  • Add LVGL 8.3.6
  • Add lv_indev_wait_release to gesture events
  • Saving the chart series data into components
  • Organize the exported C code into folders
  • Multi language support


  • Fix error with chart export 
  • Fix color picker on Linux


Due the new exported project structure at least the the v1.1.0 version of the Arduino project needs to be used from SLS v1.3.0.

Version 1.2.3

Release date: 29 Mar 2023

New features

  • Use multiple cores during exporting
  • Add popup if some information are missing in the font converter
  • Color style properties can be set with a single hex number
  • Update the colors real time while the colors are adjusted in the color picker
  • Add popup in case of  the portable license if you are logged in from another computer too 
  • Enable the build in montserrat fonts automatically if needed


  • Fix the project not loading due to issues with the images
  • Fix exporting the images in the correct color depth in MicroPython
  • Do not export the images deleted from the assets folder
  • Fix mixing the order of screen during loading the projects 
  • Update the color if the hex value has been changed in the color picker
  • Fix the size of the color picker on Linux

Version 1.2.2

Release date: 20 Mar 2023

New features

  • Use multiple cores during exporting
  • Include ui_comp.h in ui.h
  • Add a hook for component creation
  • Initial actions on startup
  • Allow deleting components from the editor
  • Image frame animation
  • Add lv_events.h even if the "Call function" events are not exported
  • Allow editing flex properties in components


  • Fixing bugs related to components
  • Fix the list when right clicking on a widget on a screen
  • Add extern "C" {} to ui_comp.h
  • Add scrollbar style to the panel widget
  • Make rendering faster
  • Fix disappearing style properties on the screens
  • Fix dropdown styles if they are components

Version 1.2.1

Release date: 10 Feb 2023

New features

  • 2x timer faster project loading
  • Smaller project file size
  • Formatted (uncompressed) project file format (JSON)
  • Rectangle and round display options- allow adjusting the layouts parameters in components
  • Export the UI files too when the a template project is generated
  • Save the editor version in the project files 
  • Save widget selection in history
  • Smart Watch example project


  • Fix the missing scrollbar on the main area
  • Download missing boards if the project was imported (and not created)
  • Fix that the widgets couldn't be unlocked after opening the project again
  • Fix the reverse widgets order in components during save/reload
  • Fix naming issues during component duplication
  • Fix exception when moving a component's child
  • Fix renaming fonts in components
  • Fix file names in "Save as..." in Linux

Version 1.2.0

Release date: 11 Jan 2023


  • Fix changing the order of widgets on component editing
  • Fix renaming components
  • Fix the disappearing images on component generation
  • Fix detaching components
  • Fix the generated code in SET_TEXT_VALUE_FROM_SLIDER
  • Make the launch screen scrollable on small resolutions too
  • Fix crating component from the hierachy
  • Fix file browser issue with Wayland
  • Fix the "hidden" feature
  • Fix saving the project settings window
  • Fix auto scrolling to the selected widget in the hierarchy panel

New features

  • Portable license option
  • Flex layout
  • Chart widget
  • “lvgl include path” setting in the Project settings
  • Scrollbar redesign
  • On Zoom In focus on the active screen
  • Hotkeys:
    • "a" center the active screen
    • "f" center the selected widget
  • Font manager keep the settings from the last generation
  • Allow renaming the generated fonts
  • Add Keyboard set text area action
  • Get board dynamically, on demand from GitHub
  • Add "None" option to Screen change types
  • Add padding style option to screen and button widgets
  • Add option to whether to add or not the screen name to the new widget
  • Add support for LVGL 8.3.4
  • Make it possible to style the list of the drop down widget.

Version 1.1.1

Release date: 05 Oct 2022


  • Many fixes for Undo
  • Fix memory leak
  • Fix renaming the children of components
  • Fix moving widgets with large zoom
  • Fix Calendar's C export

New features

  • LVGL version selector
  • In Preference you you can configure the length of the History
  • You can run more SLS instances simultaneously
  • Automatically the Screen name in the default name of the new widgets
  • In Project settings you can configure how to export ui_event file: ui_event.c, ui_event.cpp or none

Version 1.1.0

Release date: 01 Sept 2022


  • Fix the "Copy" feature in the Hierarchy panel
  • Fix the "Eye" (hide) feature in the Hierarchy panel
  • Fix non clickable elements on the right side of the screen
  • Fix saving the animation parameters when they have been changed.
  • Fix incorrectly exported blend mode
  • If an image has no alpha channel or all alpha values are 0xFF, generate LV_IMG_CF_TURE_COLOR images. If there is alpha channel export with LV_IMG_CF_TRUE_COLOR_ALPHA format.
  • Make SET_TEXT_VALUE_WHEN_CHECKED area multiline and fix text off
  • Do not allow setting the height of the Text area in one-line mode
  • Fix adding assets on MacOS
  • Improve peroformace
  • Fix export error for drop down list
  • Fix export error for slider increment event
  • Fix image rotation export error.
  • Fix hiding widgets with the eye icon in the hierarchy.
  • Fix issue with sing the lock icon
  • Fix exporting C code on macOS M1
  • Fix exporting the pivot for images
  • Save the test object of animations.

New features

  • Error and warning messages are added to the console window
  • Add "Force export all images" to project settings to export not only the used images but all images from the assets folder
  • Add Espressive boards: ESP-BOX, ESP Wrover Kit
  • Check if an image has or hasn't alpha channel and choose the color format accordingly
  • Add Open Board Platform
  • Add Components
  • Auto save
  • Add gesture events
  • Add an info popup when revoking the license
  • Add new animation features
  • Add "Check for update at start" checkbox in preferences

Version 1.0.5

Release date: 28 Marc 2022


  • Fix freeze on minimize
  • Fix missing theme into code in C
  • Fix export issue if an image was deleted- Set UI scale to 150% on HiDpi monitors
  • Add close button to "project cards" in the launcher
  • Improve performance
  • Auto-assign new names for child widgets on  copy
  • Add CJK character set to font converter (only common characters)
  • Update the image selector dropdown on the image widget if a new asset is added
  • Trigger Save confirmation popup on animation property change too
  • Allow position the selected widget with arrows
  • Add support for life-time license
  • New example project: Thermostat

Version 1.0.4

Release date: 11 Marc 2022


  • Fix typo in the "Ignore layout" flag
  • Fix error message when the trial period is over
  • Fix the missing option setting in the exported code of Roller and Checkbox
  • Fix the missing exported code for the Chart
  • Fix overwriting the content of ui_events.c on export
  • Include lvgl.h in ui.h in a more flexible way
  • In the exported code check if the color settings are correct
  • Add "ui_" prefix to the names of the widget in the exported py files to avoid conflict with reserved words

Version 1.0.3

Release date: 04 Marc 2022


  • Performance optimization
  • Line wrap on all images in
  • Fix rare crash when moving widgets in the hierarchy
  • Fix the exporting of the CLICKABLE flag on bar widget

Version 1.0.2

Release date: 23 February 2022


  • Fix error when loading the POS demo
  • "File->Save as..." saves the Assets folder too
  • Fix the Save button on the close confirmation pop up
  • Show the close confirmation pop up only if there were changes
  • On "Save" also save the project into a zip file and keep the last 10 versions 

Version 1.0.1

Release date: 21 February 2022


  • In the font manager the name of the fonts can start only with letters and can contain space and numbers
  • In the exported user "call function" actions pass the whole event structure as parameter
  • Instead of opening the example, create a new project from them
  • FOCUSED style is added to all widgets
  • Fix typo in the "Scroll direction" dropdown. "Top" was added twice and "Ver" was missing
  • Follow the changes in the licensing
  • Animations can be renamed
  • Collapsed animation panels remain collapsed when a new event is added