You can create a custom style to every widget. Using styles, you can define how a widget and its elements look like and which effects are in use.
- Using Global Colors - In any style parameter where a color input section is available, you can specify a custom or global color. Global colors can be selected from the dropdown menu below the color picker.
Arc Style can be used in those widgets which have the Arc component.
- Line color - The color of the line
- Arc width - The width of the arc
- Arc rounded - The ends of the arc line are rounded
- Arc image - The background image for the arc line
Background Style is the background of the widgets. You can create gradients or make the corners of the background rounded.
- Color and alpha - Set the background color and alpha of the object.
- Gradient color - Set the gradient color of the background.
- Bg main stop - Set the point from which the background color should start for gradients.
- Bg gradinet stop - Set the point from which the background's gradient color should start
- Bg radius - The radius you use to make the background corners rounded
- Gradient direction - The direction of the gradient. It can be horizontal or vertical.
- Clip corner - Enable to clip the overflowed content on the rounded corner.
Background Image
You can set an image as a background image.
- Bg image - The image you use as a background image
- Bg image opa - The opacity of the background image
- Recolor - With Recolor function, you can use a color on the background image. Set the color depth by changing the alpha parameter.
- Bg image tiled - If enabled, background image will be tiled
By using Blend Style, you can mix the pixel colors of the current widget part with the colors of the object followed by.
- Blend mode - Choose from four options.
- Normal - Default state
- Additive - Adding up pixels
- Subtractive - Subtract pixels
- Multiply - Multiply pixels
- Blend opacity - Here you can set the opacity of the widget part
Using Border, you can draw a border around the selected object onto the inner lines.
- Border color - The color of the border
- Border width - The width of the border
- Border side - The direction of the border
Line Style can be used in those widgets which have the Line component.
- Color - The color of the line
- Width - The width of the line
- Line rounded - The ends of the line will be rounded
Outline style is similar to Border style but here you draw the border around the selected widget part.
- Outline color - The color of the outline
- Outline width - The width of the outline
- Outline pad - Distance from the side of the widget in pixels
Paddings style put a padding onto the widget part. It means parts under it in the hierarchy will shift by the distance defined in the padding with pixel values.
- Pad - The extent of the padding
Using a Shadow Style, you can draw a shadow or a glow to the selected widget part.
- Shadow color - The color of the shadow
- Shadow width - The width of the shadow
- Shadow spread - The depth of the shadow
- Shadow OX - Shift the shadow on the X axis
- Shadow OY - Shift the shadow on the Y axis
Text Style defines the parameters of the text that can be found on the widget.
- Text color - The color of the text
- Letter spacing - The space between the letters
- Line spacing - The space between the lines
- Text align - The direction of text alignment
- Text decor - You can overline or underline the text
- None - Normal text
- Understand - Underlined text
- Strikethrough - Overlined text
- Text font - The font of the text
The transform style allows you to rotate, resize, and set minimum and maximum sizes for any widget via the style.
- Min and max width - Here you can set the minimum and maximum width for the widget.
- Min and max height - Here you can set the minimum and maximum height for the widget.
- Transform rotation - You can rotate the widget in 0.1 degree increments.
- Transform scale - You can scale the widget, where 100% corresponds to a value of 256.
- Pivot x and y - With these values, you can determine the center point of rotation.